Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The boy who cried wolf

Once upon a time there was boy who cried wolf. Normally he just cried tears, but, if he was especially upset then a large wolf dribbled down his face. One day some nasty bullies came from another town and picked on everyone at the school. All the children were pinched, pushed and punched. Some the children started crying. When the boy who cried wolf starting blubbering and wailing, a large fat wolf with big teeth came out and ate the bullies up. The boy was a hero and everyone uploaded the wolf video onto You Tube. One million hits already.

By Meg.


  1. nice work! Love your ending it was so funny!


  2. love how it involves you tube :)

  3. Well done Meg, I enjoyed reading your 100WC. A really clever idea. We were talking about the story of the boy who cried wolf in class the other day. I love the way you twist the story and even mentioned You Tube!
    Mr Brown
    Wombridge Primary School
    Telford, UK

  4. That's very funny! I like the twist that you gave the story.
    Zane B.I.S New Zealand

  5. Mrs Skinner (Team100) Bristol, UKMarch 6, 2014 at 10:13 PM

    Note for teacher:
    Team 100 could not get into Tia's post as it is not there! Incorrectly linked but there is still time to re-link it.
