Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Christmas Day

It was Christmas Day and I was super anxious. For the last couple weeks my daughter had been telling me that she didn't have any good toys, or anything she really loved. I felt really bad for as what she was saying was 100% true, so this year I went all out with her presents. She rushed out and dived under our tree, I could tell she was very excited. "Open the big one first" I so hoped she liked it, but when she lifted the lid her eyes filled with joy as she pulled the puppy into her arms. "Yay!"

By Sophie


  1. Aww such a nice Mum!

    By Olivia P

  2. That is a happy ending Sophie

  3. Great story Sophie, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

  4. Hello, Sophie.

    Sophie, this is a wonderful story about a parent trying to do the best possible for their child. As children get older, their taste in toys and presents change so what might suit a three year old may not go well with a child of six. It can be a dilemma for parents, especially if their budgets are tight.

    The solution in your story is a good one. A puppy can bring joy to a child and is a good way of teaching them to be responsible for something other than themselves providing they live in a home where a pet can be kept. Well done.

    I can see the care you have taken with spelling and punctuation. My only suggestion might be to keep writing and developing your skills. I believe you have many more interesting stories to share and there is always the next 100WC prompt waiting for writers to explore. :)

    Ross Mannell (Team 100WC)
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia
