Thursday, March 26, 2009

wow museum

Last week was a fantastic week because we went to the wow museum to get ideas for stage challenge. Not only that but we got to see the classic car collections. We watched a fantastic movie of the WOW shows (world of wearable arts). On the way out of the museum, we went through a room where everything glowed. It was very cool and even our teeth glowed!

We were very lucky to go in for $1 each because children normally pay $7. We wold like to thank Miss Packer our art teacher for a great time.

by Joel and Dillon

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

'ME' Project

At the beginning of Term 1, I set room 5 the task of producing a project all about themselves. They had 9 stories to write and the topics to be covered included;
My Family...
The best thing about me is...
What I'd most like to have is...
Lately I learned...
One thing I'd like you to know about me is...
The best present I ever received was...
The most dangerous thing I have ever done is...
If I could be anyone in the world it would be...
One goal I have for the future is...

Pupils were marked on grammar, spelling, A1 standards (neatness), inclusion of colour/photos as well as producing their project on time. They had 3 weeks to complete it and I must admit, the standard was VERY HIGH. I've included 3 pieces of work which I hope you enjoy reading

Lidi Saxon....What I'd most like to have
Caitlin Logan...What I've learned recently
Samara Arnold...If I could be anyone in the world it would be

Mrs P

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Week 6

Looks like we are flying through the first term! We are now in week 6 and we have our Class, Team and Sports Leaders! To get the position, the candidates had to make a speech. I have to say that they were all good and it was a tough choice! the results are.
Team Leader's, Ben Seelen and Rose McCarthey.
Class Leader, Kirsty Fern.
Deputy Class Leader, Lidi Saxon.
Sports Leader, Wati Nichols.
Deputy Sports Leader, Toma Nouguchi.

With Ms Bouzaid the class are learning about recounts. We had to write a recount and publish it. Mrs Parker is teaching us about hypothermia, exposure and the correct clothing to wear while we are in the bush. We need all this info as we are going on camp soon.

Well thats about it for Week 6. I wonder what were doing next week?!

By Shannon Morrison and Jack O'Connor

Friday, March 13, 2009

our trip to tahunanui beach

Last week in room 5 we went as a house to Tahuanui beach. We started off going for a walk on the rock were Dillon McKay found some buried treasure (false teeth!).

Then we had lunch of sausages and what ever else was in our lunch boxes. After lunch we made sandscuptures out of sand.
The winners made a lizard and got some lollies and second place made a mermaid. After that we went swimming in the sea. Some boys had a sand fight and it hurt because there were stones in it.

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. Some kids played bull rush which is a fun but very painful game!.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Team Day Out

On Wednesday, team Whakatu went to Tahuna Beach to get to know each other a little better! We had a great time looking in all the rock pools, swimming and making sand sculptures (some people found out rather quickly that making a sculpture so close to the water's edge is not such a great idea!)