Friday, June 14, 2013


At room 5 we have been doing thing- a- mee. We have to make a character and it can be about anything - animal, plant, person. It could have ten legs, five arms and two heads for all I know! 

We are creating a charcter and putting it through a series of adventures.  It could be with a friend, sister, brother, mother, father, or by its self. The thing-a-mee could do anything - it could shoot fireballs it could have eyes that when you stare into them you turn into stone. The charcter could be good or evil be consided evil but acually be good. It could be anything we want it to be - its so exciting so watch this space!!! 

By Lilly

Thursday, June 13, 2013


On Wednesday 15th may we got set a task to make a catapault.

This was the equipment for it:

2 elastic bands
1 spoon
1 piece of wood
and 1 small green block

The objective was to  use our own design and make a catapault to launch a small green block as far as possible.

The results were that the harder it was to pull the spoon back the more power it gets to rotate forward.
There were different sizes of spoons and different shapes and sizes of wood which made the small green block fling at different paces. Some of the green blocks went straight up in the air and some went way over our heads but there was one that no one could beat, because theirs went all the way into a tree. A lot of us found out that instead of stretching the spoon back you could just simply smack the end of the spoon to fling the green block up and over - although technically, this was cheating!

Room 5 CSI

Last Friday there was a crime scene in the class room! Mrs Parker told us that $1000 had been stolen from the class 'safe'.  We had senior crime officer detective Chris come in to investigate. We found that the criminal had pulled off the safe door and took the money.

Detective Chris got Hadlee to help him to try find any finger prints on the safe door, by using a special brush and powder.  Hadlee lightly brushed over the safe door till he found some finger prints, once he found them, Detective Chris got out a special finger printing tape.  This is a thick piece of plastic with one side sticky and the other not.  He took the sticky side and stuck it over the finger prints and used a roller to push down on the tape to make sure the finger print stuck to it. He then pulled it up and stuck it down on white card.  

He got Hadlee to take down everyone's fingerprints and have nicknames. And then Hadlee got out his magnifying glass and compared them to the criminals finger print. 

There are three types of patterns you can have on your finger tips, 
the whorl, 
the arch and 
the loop. 

The criminal's finger print pattern had the whorl on it and there were only three people in class that had a whorl on their finger prints Melvyn, Bob and Nemo and Melvyn was the thief all that time. 

p.s.  The 'safe' was a wooden box, the '$1000' was actually a bag of lollies :)


Wednesday, June 12, 2013


We have been learning about what an explanation is. An explanation is when you explain what something is step by step. On Thursday we started to write an explanation about what an egg timer is.  This is my explanation:

An egg timer is a very different thing to normal timers. An egg timer is a timer that times how long you need to boil your egg. An egg timer consist of the frame, the glass and the sand on the inside.

The frame of an egg timer helps the timer stand upright. The frame can be made out of metal,wood,plastic and maybe even brass. What ever the frame is made of it doesn't matter.

The glass of the hour glass or egg timer is wide at the top,skinny in the middle and wide at the bottom. The size of an egg timer can be small,medium or large.

The sand in the egg timer has to be very fine to fit through the middle of the timer. The sand will most likely be smaller than a grain of sugar.

The way that an hour glass works: When you put your egg on boil, you get your hour glass and flip it over so that the sand is at the top and is flowing down to the bottom. When all of the sand is at the bottom your egg is ready.                                                                                                


On Wednesday 15th may we started learning about science. We were given 2 questions
The first one was....what happens to an apple when we cut in half and leave it?

We learnt that an apple turns brown because of a reaction called "oxidation",which is caused by oxygen from the air. Oxygen is one of the most reactive chemicals known. There are many kinds of oxidation reactions. Others include burning and rusting. All chemical reactions run slower in low temperatures, so putting an apple into the fridge slows down the browning of it.

The 2nd question was.....why, when we pour a glass of lemonade or beer do we get lots of lines of bubbles floating upwards?

The process to make these drinks produces Carbon Dioxide (Co2) which is dissolved in beer. The pressure in the bottle holds the gas in its dissolved state, so when you open the bottle the Co2 comes out.  It stops being dissolved and forms bubbles in the miniscule cracks in the glass that cannot be seen, this explains why strains of bubbles come out of the glass with lemonade e.t.c.