Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Storm

The violent storm was reaking havock in the small town. All you could here was screaming as house's fell apart crushing everyone in its way. I ran out of my house into the middle of a big field with a group of survivers including Mum, Dad aswell as other family members. We could here screaming suddenly it stopped.... A shiver ran down my spine as house's fell apart inclosing people in darkness.....There was only a few survivers many got injured or died...The one's who did survive where lucky to be alive....


The Storm

The violent storm was reaking havock in the small town. All you could here was screaming as house's fell apart crushing everyone in its way. I ran out of my house into the middle of a big field with a group of survivers including Mum, Dad aswell as other family members. We could here screaming suddenly it stopped.... A shiver ran down my spine as house's fell apart inclosing people in darkness.....There was only a few survivers many got injured or died...The one's who did survive where lucky to be alive....


The deadly storm

Constant thunder and lighting flashing across the sky, rain pouring down, never stopping. Flooding everything, the violent storm was deadly, people being killed with no where to go. Tearing apart homes. The storm is more violent than anyone saw coming. Deadly as it there is no place to go  because the winds make flight not an option. How many more people are going to
die, no one knows. Every one is going to have to expect the worst and hope for the best. Stay in your homes and brace your self, it might be a while till the storm passes.

By Amber

The Storm

I was struggling to find my way home from the dark clouds, gusts of wind were pushing me away. It was difficult to see with the hard rain pouring down my face. The violent storm was destroying everything in its path. 'BASH' something, i dont know what crashed into my shoulder. I fell to my knees clutching my arm in pain. I looked for the nearest shelter but everything in my sight was destroyed.I sat down in the nearest safe spot i could find. I began to cry knowing that i would probably never see my family again. 
I knew it was the end...

The violent storm

The violent storm was too strong, I couldn't even stand up. I stayed low to the ground fighting my way back to my house that was now falling apart. Trees were falling to the ground and lightning blinded me, yet I still wasn't going to give up. Thunder clapped in my ears and I started to feel weak. Pain shot up my leg, as I realized a tree had fallen on me. I clenched my teeth and couldn't think straight. Winds started whistling louder, a sign that the storm was about to get worse. I struggled but still couldn't move. Rain poured down, "could this get any worse! I cried.

By Isabella

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Never Safe

The violent storm was wild, stormy, electric and deafening, the rain hammered down on the roof , the thunder roared and the lightning flashed in the sky like a camera snapping.  suddenly the power went out I heard sirens and people screaming, I ran to find a torch but it was hopeless, I lay there terrified not knowing what to do my head was ringing, the storm was still going and the power was still out and there was no light, there was coldness, darkness and emptiness all around me I now knew I was not safe.

By Portia

Storm Attack

When I was walking home from school on Friday I felt a cold breeze shiver me. The Breeze became strong and stronger until I felt my feet lift of the ground. I was pancaking. I saw the ground get smaller and smaller as I got higher and higher. I saw houses flying around and cars smashed and by then I knew that I was in a violent storm. I was scared. But then I herd a rumble and the storm had stopped. I came flying down landing on my face. Then I stood up and I saw...

From Tom

The flood

I woke to the sound of thunder and lightning, its still raining. So I turned my light on and looked out the window, to see how bad it really is. WOW! Third day of no stop constant raining and its got to be at least  a metre and a half deep. No school tomorrow then! I turned my light of and went back to bed. I woke again at seven, ready to get up for school. Once again turned my light on and looked out my window, well it has to be at least another half a meter deep now so no school and who knows how long this could go on for. 

By Brylee

The Big Gale

I was outside dreaming in my backyard, doing my homework, like any other day. But of cause I didn’t know that, until a sudden gust of wind came out of nowhere. My homework started to blow about, so I decided to go inside. About 5 minutes later, the wind turned into a violent thunderstorm. Now no one was in the streets, because everyone was inside where they thought they were safe, but of cause they were wrong. Suddenly the roofs of houses were getting blown off, and trees were getting blown down onto houses. The violent thunderstorm was hurting even killing people. How were they supposed to escape?

By Nikita

The Big Storm

As the weather man told New Zealand about the huge storm that was coming everybody was preparing for what was explained as the worse storm ever!! .As the storm was rolling in it wasn’t as bad as the weather man explained, in fact it was hardly anything this big violent storm everyone was ready for was a scam. The weather man over exaggerated. He got fired the next day, no news station wanted him he was a scam, so he moved into politics, he sucked at that as well, so he went to MacDonald’s to get a job that didn’t need any skill.

By Angus

Doomsday Storm

Wailing wind batted rain on to my window, I ducked under my covers as thunder boomed and lightning flashed across the sky. I turned up my radio so I couldn't hear the rain beating on the roof, but no matter how hard I tried the storm was louder. The only company I had was my best friend, soft toys and my family. I thought my life was about to end when school was cancelled until the miserable wet weather was over and all after school activities had been cancelled as well. The violent storm was getting out of hand as power lines fell…

by Hannah

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Storm's Gone Crazy!

I’ve seen this before, but where? A tornado started coming for me ripping everything in its path. Who’s that girl holding the dog? While asking myself questions in my head, the storm shot me and the irritating girl onto a cloud. I think there’s someone dead under the house, Cool. Wait, what are you doing? You can’t wear those shoes you’ll be haunted or something, eh she deserves to have her soul taken. Wait; of course, I’m in OZ. ha, I knew something bad would happen. Thick smoke surrounded her as she turned pure white and dropped to the ground.

By Jewel 

Friday, October 18, 2013


I was dreaming about halloween when everything just seems spooky. everyone was dressed up and trick or treating. Nothing spooky about that at all every halloween people Were trick or treating. It only got spooky when suddenly the sky got darker, it turned kind like a blackish purplish colour. Then out of no where came a monster, my monster and it wanted me, to take over my life and haunt me. I screamed and ran to the closet house when it started to chase me trick or treat they opened the door I went running in I didn’t know if this was the end or not.

By Brylee 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Slowly the sky got darker...

I felt the strong icy breeze on the back of my neck. That made a shiver go down my spine. Minute by minute i could see that it was getting closer to night fall. I felt  like i was being followed so i began to walk faster down the dark eerie streets. 
Then i saw a shadowy figure standing at the end of the street?
I turned around and started running the other way. But on the other end of the street i saw the same shadowy figure. I clutched my bag and started to panic.I felt myself collapse to the ground and then everything went black...

Goodnight James...

As I walked home the sky got darker I saw a man walking behind me face obscured by shadows I couldn’t make out anything  on his face no color no features just darkness nothing was keeping him from walking up and slitting his throat or snapping it. He was in grave danger he looked for other signs of life no one was near he quickened his pace so did the man he slowed so did the man again he was sure it was the end then the man decided to end it he walked up quickly and wrapped his arm around his neck and twisted the last thing he heard was Good Night James

Xander Room 5

Slowly, the sky got darker

Slowly the the sky got darker the and count down started all the infected rushed to end the game three more people to go there all in the same place knifes being thrown every were two left five seconds left with one man but he’s gone were all looking for him theres two seconds left then a beep appears and every one know where he is one second and a knife hits him no more count down no more darkness and all that is shown is the last kill then the next game has started. 

By Sabian

The thing

I was in a zoo, looking at the Monkeys as they did enormous jumps through the air to the other tree! I was so amazed by what they did.
Then I went to the Giraffes to see its extended neck bending down low to the tall grass, to eat it.
The last one I went to was the worse one of them all. The name of the animal was The Thing and I was interested in it, so I went into the “cave”.
When I went into the “cave” I looked at its shadow, it was big as 5 Rugby fields. Then it turned around it look grey as an elephant. Slowly the sky got darker then it stood on me, I screamed. Then I woke up it was a dream.     

By Karl

Darker and darker

That night when I was having dinner with my parents when I saw the sky dim. Then it got darker and darker until every thing was pitch black. It was silent. Very silent. I can hear a noise scratch, scratch. I can’t here my parents anywhere. Its very scary. I can’t see anything. Oh I hear something coming I’m scared and I can’t see where to go. I then can here some one coming down the hall. I’m beginning to see something. Its blurry but I’m seeing something. Its my parents. They come up to me and say; open your eyes!

By Tom