Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What a crazy day!!!

We had such an exciting day today! We have been in contact with a school in New Jersey called Brigantine School. They have a wonderful teacher there called Teri Gragg who has asked us to participate in an arts evening that takes place in their school each year. This evening is a culmination of sport, art, drama and technology and an expected number of 1500 normally attend.

As we have been skyping Teri's class and becoming familiar with the kids, Teri has asked room 5 to produce a piece of art work representing NZ that she can display on their arts evening. She then wants room 5 to be part of the exhibition with the use of Skype.

This is such an exciting thing for room 5 to be part of but there is a small hitch - I think it is fair to say that I struggle slightly when it comes to drawing. Any of my ex-pupils would be willing to support me on this one I am sure. 'Stick people' are as far as I can go with this and even then.......!! Room 5 are not participating in art technology until later in the year, so I asked Teri if she would teach my kids to draw and she said YES!

Today, room 5 had their first ever skyped lesson and it was wonderful! Teri did an excellent job of introducing them to landscape drawings and made it look so easy - maybe I could even do this??!!

Attached is the lesson. Watch this space for the next exciting installment.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Week 7

Hello everyone happy St Patrick's day for Wednesday the 17th of March!!!

This week we have had some fun and some disasters. The fun was being at school YAY!! (she said sarcastically) now for the disaster DA DA DAAA... We cracked open the eggs as the were over due by almost a week and we knew that there was no way they were going to hatch. There was 6 slightly formed chicks and 6 that weren't fertilised so we cracked the last one and it stank it smelt so bad everyone ditched and ran inside! We are going to try it later in the year again with a different incubator.

By Rosie a awsome student of Room 5 (and House Captain)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Whenui Iti

3rd of march we went to whenui iti for the day. There was 3 activities to do. Every one in our group except for 2 people did every thing. We all were excited so much but all were nervous.
Today on the 5th of march I went up for class leader. I really wanted it, but i didnt get it. I'm really sad, but im glad Cydnie got it.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Class and Sports Leaders

These lucky gals and guys got chosen to become room 5's class leaders and sports leaders. In order for this to happen, they had to present a small speech in from of the class explaining why they were the best people for the job.

HUGE congratulations goes to Cydnie (Leader), Tayla (Deputy), Bodie (Leader) and Olivia (Deputy) Yay..............

Leaders of the pack!!

The last 2 days have been very nerve racking for some kids in room 5 as they had the option of putting themselves forward to be leaders within the school. There were 3 positions going, House Captain, Class Leader and Sports Leader.

As team Whakatu encompasses 3 classes (room 4, 5 & 13), the position of House Captain had to taken from these 3 classes. Two people were required and all those wishing to obtain this role had to present a small speech in front of the team, explaining why they were the best person for the job.

HUGE congratulatons goes to Rosie and Ngaio for becoming the new House Captains. They had a 'baptism of fire' today as it was also Whakatu's turn to lead the school assembly so the girls got thrown in at the deep end, and what a wonderful job they did !!!

kawiti nikora

Hi I am Kawiti, I live in Nelson we had swimming sports on Monday and I came 3rd in freestyle. This is Nikora and he is 11, he plays alot of instruments.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rosie,Grace,Olivia and Cydnie

Today I {Olivia} was in the interschools swimming sports I came 2nd in backstroke and 8th in freestyle im feeling pretty proud of myself for getting into it.
Today I {Cydnie} did a speech for class leader and I won!!! yay
On Monday I {grace} did a swimming race in A grade im feeling pretty proud that I pushed myself.
yesterday I {Rosie} did a speech for house captin and won im really proud of myself.


We went to Wheneu iti on wednesday it was fun. There where only 3 things to do: highropes, trapeze & the flying rat, can you believe that! But everyone had a good time so we left feeling proud.

skate 4 life

Hey were William ,Ants and Caitie we are really fun and awesome we like to swim and skate. We also like to play sports and are good at heaps of things like maths,reading and writing. This is us.

nathan,peter,dylan and ben

The last few weeks have been challenging for some people and fun for others. At Isel Park we did heaps of fun activities and got to know each other. Swimming sports and Wheneu iti also took place this week so it has been really busy. It has all been fun and exciting.


Joshua and Zion reckon life at Broadgreen is great because we both have taken part in lots of class sports like soft ball and swimming. We both do the same friday, sport that is kiwi tag.
BFF joshua and zion.

Wheneui Iti by Emily and Rosie

On wednesday the 3 of march 2010, we gathered in room 5, we were all put in a car and blasted off to Wheneui Iti. I was in Bodies car it was it was cool. On the way we had so much fun we were all so excited .

When we got there we met James , Jake and Anita who were going to help us through the day on all the activities. After we talked, James put us all in a circle and we had to hold a rope and try to walk backwards and see how long we could last, then we had to try and sit on the ground we all did well but then we had to try and stand up that was fun we all had to push ourselves as hard as we could .
WE were then split into groups and we had 3 different activities to do during the day. First of all I went on the flying rat, second I went on the trapeze lucky last was the high ropes. My favorite was the flying rat you got to fly up in the air when your team pulled you up in the air by running down the hill connected to a rope that was connected to me.

It was fun because we have such a good class we get along really well. Just from that trip I made friends with Nerelle ,Olivia and Ashleigh which is pretty good . You can have so much fun if you encourge each other because everyone does the exact same activites .

If you have time to go there have a great time and encourge those who need it .

by Emily and Rosie

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

WOW - what a day!!

We had an AMAZING day today at Wheneu iti, but I will let the kids fill you in more when they learn how to blog and add photos, watch this space!!!

Mrs P