Thursday, October 13, 2016

Sophia - wk 1

If I was in charge of the world what would I do? Um. I pondered this question for a good while but still I was stumped. What would I do? What could do? What should I do? I would… um. I could… hmm. I should...  err. Well let's start with something simple, I would stop people from creating ridiculously long words like pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis and antidisestablishmentarianism, but then we wouldn't have a interesting vocabulary. Oh I could make myself a official ice cream tester, hah I'd probably have rotten teeth after a while though. Oh I should make sure everyone's always having fun, but then we would get used to it and after a while we won't know what fun really is. I really don't know. Oh well it isn't my job to think about that I am only 12. I don't know what needs to change in the world let alone how to change it. For now I'm just going to enjoy being a kid. I don't want to grow up until I more mature and experience. I'll leave it to the professionals for now and enjoy being with the ones I love. Oh I know what I would change! I would try my very best to stop children from growing up so fast. Now I don't mean make them take ages to mature but for them to take their time to do something adults do. That's what I would Change!

By Sophia


  1. I like your story! You used good punctuation. :) ~Michaela

  2. hi sophia good story but it didn't make sense when you said i don't want to grow up until I more mature and experience.
