Friday, October 14, 2016

Harriett - wk1

If I were in charge of the world….
Firstly if I were in charge of the world I would go and meet Jacob sartorius/my future husband, I would stop all murder and killer clowns. I would make chocolate and candy houses, every poor person in the world would have unlimted money.You would be able to travel anywhere around the world for free! ,and also you wouldnt have to pay for petro, I would live in New york in a mansion with 24 cars and i would be liveing with Jacob sartorius i would have 4 pools in my house and 2 pools outside my house and have 1 spa inside and 1 spa outside, I would travel the world with charlotte who by the way would rule the world with me.My life would be awesomely great and I would be the queen and Jacob/my husband would be my king and I would have 4 dogs and 3 horses also I would have my own forests made out of candy and chocolate.I would have 20 wigs unlimted makeup and unlimted clothes.i would be in charge of the whole world it would be amazly awesome :)
By Harriett


  1. hi i like how u used a commer and these / well done olivia

  2. very good story babe i love how you described your world from babe
