Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Ryan B - wk 1

If I could rule the world I would change many things, but most of all I would rid the Middle-east of War, even if it meant having every countries throw what they can against ISIS. I would unite every country into one, and put everyone on the same time zone. The currency of my super-country would be the USD, and the language would be British English. The legal age for drinking would be 19, and to learn to drive you would have to be 17. Every continent would have a ‘government’ that dishes out the money to every town, and every town would be given out money per person.
I would tell all of the pollution causing factories to either shut down or change to a green, sustainable source of energy. All cars running on petrol would be destroyed in favour of electric cars, and everyone would be given a free electric car and charger. The remaining Oil stores would be used in the manufacture of plastic items, and all unused plastic would be recycled. The ocean would be cleaned of all rubbish, and as said before all plastic will be recycled. Child poverty will be abolished, with everyone getting the small pension that increases with age. Water and healthcare would be free for everyone, and so would staying in retirement villages and rest homes.

By Ryan B

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