Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Amber N - wk1

What it would be like  I ruled the world!!!!

“Hi my name is Amber and i'm going to talk to you about what it would be like if I ruled the world.
Just imagine living in a world full of friendly and fun people. There would be no arguments, everyone would get along. Every street you walked down would be a more exciting and awesome piece of art on a wall or a sculpture than the other street you just walked down. I'm sure everyone has been throw this where you're out shopping and you find something that's just so perfect but you cant afford it and you're too embarrassed to ask your friends for money.Just think what if there is a way? Well there is, as long as you are a loyal customer you can just hand over a card what lets you borrow it until you have enough money. How awesome does that sound? There would also be some  incredible look out places, where you can embrace the view or take the perfect photos.If you have a dream everyone would make sure that you follow it. That is what it would be like if I ruled the world.”

By Amber N


  1. very interesting
    next time try to add commas to put a pause in a sentence

  2. Hi Amber, Ashley here.I really loved how you mentioned that you want to rule the world because I think that would be a great idea.
