Thursday, October 13, 2016

Charlotte - wk1

If i ruled the world…

Everyone would have unlimited money and would live in nice houses. Every home has to have a wooden spoon because I say so. Instead of giant water fountains there would be giant chocolate fountains that are freeeeeeee. I would be married to a nice but strong and handsome man. I would live in a 22 story house. I would have 8 indoor pools and 3 dogs. I would live in New york and I would travel the world with harriett who by the way would rule the world with me. My life would be amazingly great. There would be houses made of chocolate and lollies. I would be the greatest king in the world. Harriett would be the queen. All school stationery would be free and covered in rainbows. I would have 4 paddocks with 2 horses, 10 sheep and 10 calves. Amber is the ruler of pandas! Every human being will have unlimited clothes and makeup. I would turn caleb into a princess. The last thing I would do is make it that everyone has to have a tamaranian cotton top monkey in the home IN conclusion I would be the best world leader in the whole entire universe.

By Charlotte

1 comment:

  1. Hi Charlotte,
    I love how you said and described what you would have if you ruled the world. It is nice that you included your friends in your story. I love this story.
    From Anna
