Friday, September 20, 2013

The barking light

Running past the trees, wind blowing my hair and soft grass underneath, I headed for the tunnel under the thunder path.  Passing the pond, there's no time for ducks. A two leg sped by. I stopped, waiting for a gap between the monsters with shiny pelts.  I bolt across to the other side.  Home in sight, I speed to the open door, breathless, galloping down the hallway like a horse.  On the bed I go.  I hear a scream and hide, peeking out I saw a bright light shining in my eyes.  I was welcomed with cuddles and waved my tail like a flag blowing in the wind. I'm home.

By Hannah


  1. hi Hannah:)I thought your story was awsome and the descriptive language that you used was really really really good.
    Great story hannah :P
    emma room5

  2. wow your descriptive language was so good I really enjoyed your story

    Lilly :)
    Rm 5
