Monday, September 9, 2013

Is it real?

"Good night mum", I'm in my room its dark, I'm trying to sleep I want to sleep, But then I fall asleep, I wake up the house is silent, I lay there awake and then decide to read a book, So I turn my bedside light on find a book and start to read.  Midnight I put the book down turn the light off and finally start to go to sleep, Suddenly I heard a crack "Mum is that you" then the door opens a little boy on a trike is at my door singing a song then a knife in his hand AHHHH! I open my eyes it was just a dream....

By Portia


  1. So awesome. I love how it was so cool

    From Tom

  2. That was a Awesome story Portia
    Nikita :)

  3. OMG!!Portia your story was soooooo cool:) I was actually kinda scared at the end bit!1 And the descriptive language you used was AWSOME!!!

    emma R5
