Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Train into tunnel

As the train went into the tunnel the driver blew the horn. Then all the little kids looked out the windows, all they can see is the train’s light’s beaming throw the dark, dusty tunnel. All the kids were listening to the sound of the hard metal wheels running along the train tracks. When the train was near the end of the tunnel the driver blew the horn twice to tell everyone. The light of day blinded everyone for a few seconds then they all looked out the windows to a field of flowers, sheep and cows.

By Ashleigh


  1. Ashleigh I could envision traveling on the train as it travels through the tunnel and comes out. You did a very nice job of writing great details that made your story fun to read. Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi Ashleigh,

    Thank you for entering the 100 Word Challenge, I enjoyed reading your writing. You've described the scene clearly, which helps the reader imagine what it is like.
    Well done!
    Mrs Stones
