Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The holiday

As the train entered the station, we hurried to the platform, only to find out that we were too late!
“I told you we should not have let HER set the alarm!”, bellowed my sister pointing at me. “ Yeah Emma”, said my dad in a grumpy sarcastic way. “We just missed our holiday!” .”Hey don’t all gang up on me”, I mumbled.. “Wait a minute”, my mum instructed. She pulled the tickets from her bag. “ Ammmm, we're kind of early”. “What?”, my dad replied. “Tuesday 27 of August”, he yelled. “That’s TWO weeks away!”.
“HA”, I shouted. “Come on, lets go”.

By Emma


  1. that was an amazing story. you made me laugh.

  2. This 100WC made me giggle Emma- I loved the twist at the end. I bet you didn't enjoy unpacking when you got back home again though! a good little story- well done.

    Fiona (Team 100WC)

  3. That was a funny story emma.I like the part where you go 'ha.
    Jess (room 5)
