Wednesday, May 14, 2014

When I woke

I woke up, I didn’t know where I was and then someone came and greeted me and some of the words sounded like a foreign language. Then I suddenly remembered that I was in London there accent was so different to ours that I thought it was a foreign language.I got up and got ready and off I went, I was so exited to go see the sights of London. First stop Tower Of London and then I am going to go on the London Eye and then i am having lunch in town and try some of the different food.
By Dana.

1 comment:

  1. Dana,

    All of us who speak English can certainly sound a little strange to each other. Residents of London has many different accents. It's incredible to think that just in one city people can sound quite different from one another.

    Do remember to check your work carefully for correct capitalization (I) and spelling (excited).

    Thank you for sharing your work.

    Tracey Ananmalay
    Team 100WC
    San José, California, US
