Monday, November 11, 2013

The sweet smell of Poppies

I was bleeding pretty bad, I lay in the middle of the poppy field weak.  Blood gushed out from my side and my vision started to blur. Although I knew I didn't have much longer I felt happy. The sweet smell of poppies comforted me and reminded me of home.  I laughed to my self remembering all the good times my family and I shared. I held my hand to my side putting pressure on my wound. I clenched my teeth and tried to focus on something else.  I picked a poppy  and started  to  relax. Everything started to slowly fade until my eyes closed and I rested in peace. 

By Isabella 


  1. Well done! Great piece of writing! Potentially you could work on your structure a little bit - e.g. include isolated sentence to reinforce their importance. But overall really good! Keep it up :)

  2. that is a good story Isabella.

  3. Well done!I like your story,very good. Galley Hill School

  4. it's wonderful i love it i love the words you use

  5. WOW AMAZING!!!!!! lilly :)

  6. Isabelle,

    This is beautiful piece of writing, gave me a lump in my throat. You have really considered the reader and the character in your work.

    Thoughtful and considerate!

    Team 100wc
    Near Hay on Wye, Wales.

  7. Very well done Isabella, a beautiful and thoughtful piece of work. You have carefully constructed this and produced a tear-jerking piece.

    Well done
    Team 100wc
    Nr Hay on Wye, Wales

  8. This is an amazing story, with lots of detail, explaining all kinds of amazing things. How you thought of these wonderful ideas, is what i want to know! Well done!
