Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The flood

I woke to the sound of thunder and lightning, its still raining. So I turned my light on and looked out the window, to see how bad it really is. WOW! Third day of no stop constant raining and its got to be at least  a metre and a half deep. No school tomorrow then! I turned my light of and went back to bed. I woke again at seven, ready to get up for school. Once again turned my light on and looked out my window, well it has to be at least another half a meter deep now so no school and who knows how long this could go on for. 

By Brylee


  1. Hi Brylee, I really like your opening sentence - a great way to start the 100WC story. Remember to read over the story to check for any spelling and punctuation. Reading over also gives a chance to change some sentence starters. Can you think of some?
    Keep up the writing.
    John C (100WC Team)

  2. Hi Brylee,
    I loved the way you start this 100WC- it sets the scene and the theme of your story immediately. Although I think you/ your character isn't that disappointed to be missing school....? Well done- I enjoyed reading your work.
    Fiona (Team 100WC)
