Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The bath incident

Every single night Mr. Rabbit would run a nice creamy bath just for him, dolloping in huge spoonfuls of crème bulles. One particular night he had aching feet so he added just a little bit extra bulles. This was a big mistake the chocolate bath just couldn’t handle the pressure and cracked straight through the middle spilling the crème bulles all over the room. Mr. Rabbit was devastated and called the bath repairmen. They rushed over carrying all sorts of bath fixing equipment and told Mr. Rabbit some dreadful news. “We’re sorry to inform you sir” Spoke a repairman “but no baths for a month”.

By Anna

1 comment:

  1. Wow that sounds a great bath to have! Thank you for joining in this week, your story shows that you have a great imagination - well done!
