Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Ghost by Charlotte

It was September 13th when I first started having nightmares. The first one I couldn't remember much of, the whole thing was a blur. I woke up with a terrible headache and I couldn't understand why. My mother told me I woke up screaming and muttering to myself about a strange voice, but she couldn't make out what I was saying. As time went by the nightmares got worse but clearer, I could make out what the voice was saying but I can promise you it’s not good. I did some research on my house and it turns out there was a murder in 1999 in the exact location I was living in. Then it hit me, I was living on a death site. I went to see a doctor who said that there was a ghost living inside me and it would eventually change my life forever. Dr Craven specialised in paranormal activity and although I didn't want to admit It, I knew he was right. The next night I didn't dream about anything,I went to school the next day feeling better, first and second period were fine but then in the afternoon everything changed…. I thought I saw something but then again it all happened so quickly. I have been a bit delusional lately so I didn't pay much attention, but maybe I should have because a few hours later I saw it again. I felt a bit dizzy it looked like a person but it was a faded gray sort of colour and than I realised what it was…..

By Charlotte.            

1 comment:

  1. Next Time put some paragraphs in Please

    ~Samuel Carter
