Friday, May 27, 2016

Clockwork by Zoe

Juliet gazed out into the wide world, wondering what lay beyond the brick walls of the clocktower.  Her eye’s darted through the narrow winding pathways of the village centre.  She came upon a group of small children playing hopscotch on the chalky clay  road, something about this filled Juliet with a sense of longing.  For as long as she could remember the clock tower had been the only place Juliet called home.  Never before had she dared to venture outside its walls she had trapped herself  inside a prison but now she had caught a glimpse of the light.  Her curiosity took over and she skipped down the spiraling staircase and ran into the bustling streets.  But to her surprise the once colorful and vibrant village had faded  into a dull colourless blur. The streets that just seconds ago were a rush of noise and excitement, were frozen.  It was deathly silent, Juliet wandered over to where she had seen the children playing on the road.  Their faces were lit up with joy, somehow Juliet knew what she had to do.  She gazed back to the

clocktower but this time she could go back feeling proud she could finally fulfill her destiny.  Juliet danced like never before each movement was executed with such poise and elegance it was like the rhythm running through her veins.  She was dancing with her heart. The hands of the clock began to turn and colour was restored to the earth.

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