Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Kynan - Week 5

How to make a soda stream

We will be making a soda stream.
You need- Sodastream machine
                - Sodastream bottle
                - Flavours
               - Water

Step 1:  Grab all the materials needed.
Step 2: Get the soda stream bottle and fill it with water up to the line marked on the bottle.
Step3: Screw the bottle onto the machine.
Step 4:  Push the button on the top of the machine until your hear a loud fart type noise.
Step 5: Take the bottle off the machine.
Step 6: Pour the amount of flavouring you want into the bottle.
Step 7: Shake the bottle until the flavouring is mixed in.

Step 8: Enjoy your nice drink.

1 comment:

  1. Great story Kynan I loved how you used clear instructions but not fully clear next time say etc what line you need the water up to
    from Vannary
