Thursday, November 3, 2016

Danny - Week 4

Endangered Animals should not be saved.

A report published in 2012 by the science journal states that New Zealand
will have to spend $226.9m in initial costs, plus $97m every
year until 2062 just to meet the United Nations targets for preserving
endangered species. That’s 5 Billion Dollars in total!

There are thousands of children whose parents can't afford a meal
and for the cost of feeding one tiger for a day we could feed
forty children for a whole month!

House prices are going up and up and lower income families simply
can't afford them. If we use the land that wildlife sanctuaries are
taking up we could have cheaper houses for those people.

To Make a sanctuary we cut down trees for fences causing more deforestation
which is already a huge problem that we don’t need any more of.

All of these reasons are why we shouldn’t save endangered animals.


1 comment:

  1. Great convincing Danny if you were president and you talked about this you would convince me. Sam Cur
