Thursday, November 10, 2016

Cruz - Week 5

How to train a dragon

What you will need
  1. Giant pack of rope
  2. Pack of dragon treats
  3. A saddle
  4. and a bottle of bravenis
Step one get a dragon that won't be hard just travel back in time to the Viking times and steal a dragon and steal a dragon it won't be hard you just have to kill the whole village and still the dragon

Step two tie the Dragon up run away with the Dragon trying not to die by the Dragon.tie the Dragon up run away with the dragon try not to die by the Dragon biting of your head when we get home can you get your giant bag of dinosaur treats
Now feed him approximately 3 kg of food and mix with 9 litres of  red bull and mix and feed your dragon

Step three How to operate your dragon first sit on his back if he try's to eat you punch him in the head than he will know who's the boss then when he listens to you you can try fly just hold his neck and pull up to make him breeve fire just tickle his ear and fly
away and have fun.
By cruz


  1. Great story cruz I like how you used punctuation and how you numbered it but next time make sure it makes sense.

  2. good story cruz i liked how you stated what you are going to do so good job for listening the materials you needed to have. :brandon
