Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Snow flurried around my face, leaving snowflakes on my eyelashes. A fur coat was wrapped around my body sheltering me from the cold. Wind driven snow kicked against my legs making me wish I wore gumboots instead of sneakers. Icicles dropped from each tree with a shattering sound. Busy city lights blurred my vision making me forget my wonderful surroundings. Winter was my favorite time of year until we moved. Away from all those lovely trees and into a city full of tall, busy buildings blocking out the sky. Winter warmed me in a way summer couldn’t. I love winter!



  1. Cities aren't very nice in winter.

    Comment written by Shirley Barrow, Sam H's Grannie

  2. Great writing Anna not sure that I love winter but I loved your writing! -justine (Sophie's mum)
