Wednesday, June 12, 2013


On Wednesday 15th may we started learning about science. We were given 2 questions
The first one was....what happens to an apple when we cut in half and leave it?

We learnt that an apple turns brown because of a reaction called "oxidation",which is caused by oxygen from the air. Oxygen is one of the most reactive chemicals known. There are many kinds of oxidation reactions. Others include burning and rusting. All chemical reactions run slower in low temperatures, so putting an apple into the fridge slows down the browning of it.

The 2nd question was.....why, when we pour a glass of lemonade or beer do we get lots of lines of bubbles floating upwards?

The process to make these drinks produces Carbon Dioxide (Co2) which is dissolved in beer. The pressure in the bottle holds the gas in its dissolved state, so when you open the bottle the Co2 comes out.  It stops being dissolved and forms bubbles in the miniscule cracks in the glass that cannot be seen, this explains why strains of bubbles come out of the glass with lemonade e.t.c.

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