Wednesday, June 12, 2013


We have been learning about what an explanation is. An explanation is when you explain what something is step by step. On Thursday we started to write an explanation about what an egg timer is.  This is my explanation:

An egg timer is a very different thing to normal timers. An egg timer is a timer that times how long you need to boil your egg. An egg timer consist of the frame, the glass and the sand on the inside.

The frame of an egg timer helps the timer stand upright. The frame can be made out of metal,wood,plastic and maybe even brass. What ever the frame is made of it doesn't matter.

The glass of the hour glass or egg timer is wide at the top,skinny in the middle and wide at the bottom. The size of an egg timer can be small,medium or large.

The sand in the egg timer has to be very fine to fit through the middle of the timer. The sand will most likely be smaller than a grain of sugar.

The way that an hour glass works: When you put your egg on boil, you get your hour glass and flip it over so that the sand is at the top and is flowing down to the bottom. When all of the sand is at the bottom your egg is ready.                                                                                                

1 comment:

  1. WOW!What is that it look's really talented on that add and I also I really like that anyway what do you use that for?My name is Losana and I come from Tamaki Primary School in New Zealand!
