Thursday, June 13, 2013

Room 5 CSI

Last Friday there was a crime scene in the class room! Mrs Parker told us that $1000 had been stolen from the class 'safe'.  We had senior crime officer detective Chris come in to investigate. We found that the criminal had pulled off the safe door and took the money.

Detective Chris got Hadlee to help him to try find any finger prints on the safe door, by using a special brush and powder.  Hadlee lightly brushed over the safe door till he found some finger prints, once he found them, Detective Chris got out a special finger printing tape.  This is a thick piece of plastic with one side sticky and the other not.  He took the sticky side and stuck it over the finger prints and used a roller to push down on the tape to make sure the finger print stuck to it. He then pulled it up and stuck it down on white card.  

He got Hadlee to take down everyone's fingerprints and have nicknames. And then Hadlee got out his magnifying glass and compared them to the criminals finger print. 

There are three types of patterns you can have on your finger tips, 
the whorl, 
the arch and 
the loop. 

The criminal's finger print pattern had the whorl on it and there were only three people in class that had a whorl on their finger prints Melvyn, Bob and Nemo and Melvyn was the thief all that time. 

p.s.  The 'safe' was a wooden box, the '$1000' was actually a bag of lollies :)


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