Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Week 6

Looks like we are flying through the first term! We are now in week 6 and we have our Class, Team and Sports Leaders! To get the position, the candidates had to make a speech. I have to say that they were all good and it was a tough choice! the results are.
Team Leader's, Ben Seelen and Rose McCarthey.
Class Leader, Kirsty Fern.
Deputy Class Leader, Lidi Saxon.
Sports Leader, Wati Nichols.
Deputy Sports Leader, Toma Nouguchi.

With Ms Bouzaid the class are learning about recounts. We had to write a recount and publish it. Mrs Parker is teaching us about hypothermia, exposure and the correct clothing to wear while we are in the bush. We need all this info as we are going on camp soon.

Well thats about it for Week 6. I wonder what were doing next week?!

By Shannon Morrison and Jack O'Connor


  1. Ka pai to mahi koutou. I think you guys do a great job of this blog, keeping parents informed with what goes on too.


    Joel's Mum.

  2. Hey room 5 Im a techer in the north island i think this is a grate way to keep kids informed.

  3. Hey this is Kirstys mum she never told me about this.. kirsty other wise nice blog =)

  4. hey my class should do this you guys have a cool map

  5. i like your games. i like room 5. i like your map. i like your blog. i like sunshine. i like reading. i like collecting tins.

  6. By the way parker that was me not kirstys mum HAHAHAH

  7. hi this is a cool blog from steve

  8. hay room 5 this blog is the best!!!!! i think its realy rather cool
