Friday, April 15, 2016

Skyping Australia

From 3:00 to 3:30, some of  Room 11 skyped Australia as part of their Skype night. We took turns asking yes/no questions to find out where each other were. We had narrowed it down to the Southern hemisphere and people were already guessing they were in Australia. We soon found out that they were in Queensland, Australia. We couldn't quite narrow it down to exactly where they were so in the end we told each other. They were in a tiny place called Monto which wasn't on the atlas.

We found it interesting when we compared our native animals to theirs and what their foods looked like. It was a great experience and the kids were very friendly.

By Ruby Jones, Amber Tijsen and Lucy Campbell.


  1. I love your story from clinton

  2. your story is so good
