Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The trip from India to New Zealand

Yesterday in Delhi, I went to the airport. I was happy to go to New Zealand and I was happy that I am going to sit in the airplane because  this was the first time that I had ever been in an aeroplane.  I travelled with my Uncle, Auntie and cousins.  We travelled for two days and when I arrived into Christchurch airport, I met my father I was very  happy to meet my father their we drank coffee together.  I had not seen my father since 2003.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
We travelled in my Fathers car and went to nelson. my dad and I went to his house we came inside and had tea we had  pizza . i was tired and we went to sleep .The next day I got ready for school at B.I.S i am in Room 5 my first day was amazing i had made some friends and i love New Zealand.

There is a difference is no noise and in India people go here and there in night. people throw thing here and there in India and in New Zealand not throw rubbish.There are big big building in India and in  
 new Zealand There are no big big building.

By Rahul

1 comment:

  1. I love that youve had such a good time in nz and that your loving it here with us in room 5

    from tehya
