Friday, March 2, 2012

Whenua Iti

Whenua Iti was really scary but really fun. There was one thing that was really horrible and that was the high ropes. We were all secured on a rope and harness (not at the same time) and we climbed up this ladder and up a pole. There were 2 places you could start but I'll type about the 1 I started on. Now, trying to start something scary, thats bad. But when your starting on these 10m high wobbly platforms held up by these skinny little wires, thats when I started to panic. It took a while but I made the first jump. It was really truly horrible when I did because when I landed on it I slipped. I was fine though. The next jump took a little less time, and after that I stopped looking and just went for it. The platforms started getting closer after that and soon I was on the giant log. That bit was easy as it wasn't wobbling like the platforms. I walked to the end of the log and back into the middle so I could come down. Another bit that worried quite a few people. It's not every day you get asked to slide off a 10m high log. I now realise why people kiss the ground!

By Alesha Neame


  1. Imagine the confidence you will have built inside Leshy =) Grab it, Live it, Love it! Life =)

  2. wow looks like u had fun at whenua iti =)

  3. sounds like fun

    jack rm15
