Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Whakatu's Big Day Out !

On Monday 21st Whakatu house, (Rm 4, 5 and 13) headed off to Tahunanui beach so we could build our team stronger by

First part of the boiling day was to apply sunscreen and some people didn't apply it properly and had white streaks down their sunburnt face for the rest of the day haha anyway after that we had to make huge letters in the sand using beach materials to spell "W h a k a t u H o u s e" but we had to rush because the water was coming in at the speed of light towards the almost perfect beige sand with only one flaw, the gray blemishes, the surface was dotted like a children's connect the dots picture.

We were then split into 12 groups and each group had to work on each letter but not before Ms Cribb made us run toward a honey-coloured "Beach Cafe" sign and threatened to make the last person to return run again. THAT got us going luckily she was only trying to motivate us. Everyone finished in time and the words were swept away and Mr Melisea (Cole's Dad) called out the winners : both the 'H's. Then we all trudged up the sandy dunes awaiting our next task..........

EATING MORNING TEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after about 15 minutes we got a "treasure map" and had to walk around Tahunanui unaccompanied in order to complete our "map" and find a treasure chest filled with chocolate!!!! That got everybody crazy and we had 1 hr to walk around and finish our questions.

After that we were all pooped so we had lunch and relaxed by having a swim or going crazy at the BMX tracks yay!!! Some people preferred BMX-ing rather than swimming at the beach and that was fine so parents split up and supervised those activities. At the beach the sand was SCORCHING HOT so we cooled off in the water. The people who were at the BMX tracks jumped and skidded around the tracks and most the girls who went, sat down by the tracks and talked. Tayne fell off his bike by speeding as he went over a bump and flew into a ditch ..........heheh

Then the supervisors announced that it was time to go back and we all packed up (but some people went to dry off) and we waited for them to get their hair done ......blah blah blah

When were sure everyone had arrived, some people got picked up right there while others rode back to good ol' Broadgreen.

Sommy Han

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