Thursday, November 3, 2016

Jake - Week 4

Why do we always waste money on perfetic animals that hardly benefit us and here are three reasons on why we should not save endangered animals,what we should use the money on and what should happen the these perfetic animals

First thing first what have animals done to us. The answer is nothing apart from kill us that's right kill us but apart from that they have been useless evan going to war was a better idea and i am sick of people saving them when we should save ourselves

Money the most important thing in the world but we're wasting it on saving the stupid animals we should be using it to help donald trump or use it to make guns out of gold? But still we have used to much money on animals

Finally what should come of the animals they should die with every other threat there is in the world we don't need animals all we need is money not animals only money

In conclusion these animals are perfetic and should be erased from this world

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