Thursday, April 26, 2012

Our amazing Purple Cake Day song competition winners :)

We felt very privledged today to have Emily Sanson-Rejouis from Purple Cake Day and Dan Tipping from More FM to come into Room 5 today to present Madi, Jaani and Alesha with their winning prize money of $250. They have also been made embassadors for Purple Cake Day for their efforts. Two other groups were awarded 'highly commended' for their efforts also :) Click on the title above to hear the song

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

Our Nepalese Feast

WOW what a GREAT day we had today. Room 5 took over the science lab and made a feast fit for a King :)

On the menu today - thanks to our Purple Cake Day info pack was Dhal, Vegetable Curry and Momos. I will upload the recipes for these delicious meals soon :)