Hello i am Mr Wolf and i have got the real story. I will tell you what happened.
One day i was walking in the forest to visit my good friend Grandma. But when the house came into site I saw Grandma wheeling a large trolley of dangerous items into the house. I knew Grand ma had been crazy for a long time but I didn't think she would do this out of insanity. As I walked closer I heard her talking to herself. She said,"Little Red Riding hood is coming around this afternoon. That evil little girl will try to hurt me, I must set a trap to get her first!"
I had never met the girl but I knew she couldn't be that evil so I ran to warn her.
I found her on the track about half an hour away. I was trying to be nice so i wouldn't scare her but before I could warn her she hurried off!
I knew there was nothing I could do but stop Grandma myself. I did not mean to hurt her but to talk her out of setting the trap.
When I knocked on the no one answered so I was forced to enter without permission. But unfortunately before I could reason with her she ran at me with a knife. Instinctively I tried to protect myself but somehow Grandma got in the way of my mouth and I swallowed her.
I was horrified by what I had done but I had to search the house for more dangers.
I found gun powder in a night dress and cap so I put them on so I could take them away quickly easily. While I was searching the bed Little Red Riding Hood came in.
She thought I was Grandma and when I realised I jumped out of the bed to explain what had happened and why. But she got a fright.
A would cutter came running and immediately turned on me. Before I could explain myself I became unconscious. When I woke I was in the forest with a very sore stomach. I don't know what happened while I was unconscious.
I hope you see my point and can move on to see why Grandma was acting so strangely.
By Caitlin Logan